Shareholders & Company Structure
MAG is a global private Aeronautical Company, pursuing a leadership position in the market segments it operates in. The Group’s Governance is in line with Public Companies standards. Italian based, the company also controls two foreign legal entities, as well as a third company in Italy.

Founded in 1995, through a buy-out by private investors, the company is currently owned by a long-term intent between highly committed Institutional and Industrial Investors.

MAG’s background as a system integrator originates from its history, a merge of two historical italian companies with OEM roots: SIAI MARCHETTI Agusta Borgomanero (since early 1900’s airframer plant) and from Monteprandone cental Italy Breda Nardi.

The Agusta Monteprandone site (Central Italy) was acquired in 2001.

Via the acquisition of Performance LT in Laval (Montreal), in 2000, MAG enters the manufacturing of landing gears for North American customers.

MAG Inc., Philadelphia, opened to support the Agusta american final assembly line and to establish a foot hold in the US market.

Moved MAG Inc. to a larger site in Bensalem PA

MAG Shareholders approved an investment for deploying a state-of-the- art surface treatment facility in Laval

Add-on Acquisition to expand the MRO business.
Company Commitments
Through the development of new products, expertise and technologies, MAG has strengthened its competitive edge by participating in innovative industrial projects as part of strategic partnerships with major OEMs or industrial groups that supply sophisticated products in the aerospace and defense sector.
- Full internal control of core competencies in their critical areas and processes and an extensive supply chain to support internal production.
- Technological partnership with high skilled and innovative labs and industries.
- Focus on lean processes and efficiencies.
- Customer satisfaction and full flexibility to support Customers requirements.
- Quality.
Main Industry & Governmental Approvals
Main Industry & Customers
UNI EN 9110 (RINA)
Leonardo Helicopters division
Leonardo Aircraft division
Bell Helicopter Textron
Airbus Helicopters
Turkish Aerospace Industries
Collins Aerospace
Authorized Service Center of Leonardo Helicopters
Service Center Woodward HRT
Safran Landing Systems
Governmental Authorities
(Design,Production & Maintenance)

Civil Airworthiness Authorities Approvals
European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA):
Design Organization Approval DOA Part 21J
Production Organization Approval POA Part 21G
Maintenance Organization Approval MOA Part 145
Continued Airworthiness Management Organization CAMO Part M
Transport Canada (TC):
Production Organization Approval AWM 561
Maintenance Organization Approal CAR 573.02
US Federal Aviation Administrator (FAA):
Maintenance Organization Approval Part 145
TC holder NH500
TC holder AMD500N
TC holder NH300

Gender equality certifications
MAG consider respect and people enhancement one of the pillars for the achievement of our corporate mission. Diversity is an opportunity for growth and we value the uniqueness of each individual across our operations as an asset.
We uphold gender equality through the entire career of our employees, reflecting this commitment in the implementation of HR management and development strategies that respect differences and promote equal opportunities.
Equality and equity are core principles to be respected in every organizational action. Gender equality is expression of both and must be preserved and promoted towards the people involved by tangible actions across all organizational and management processes.
MAG has taken important steps to overcoming gender gap. Various the initiatives are summarized in our strategic plan and system documentation, meanwhile we are aware that this requires constant commitment to address the areas below indicated:
1. Development and Compensation
2. Parenthood and family care
3. Operational biases and operating processes
4. Education and awareness campaigns